About Me


My Name is Chase Dubauskas.I'm a Jr. Software Developer with a bachelor's degree in applied information systems technology who is currently working with computer vision. My passion for computers and all things technology stems from a very young age. I'm constantly learning, and finding ways to improve my skill set.

In my spare time, I am always tinkering with some new technology or tool. My "Homelab" is a place where I can practice my skills from system administration/networking to software development. I'm pursuing a career as a DevOps engineer, and having this playground to hone my skills has proved invaluable. When I'm not at a computer, I'm indulging in my other hobbies. I'm a home theatre enthusiast, a 3D printer hobbyist, a gamer, and an outdoor enthusiast!


Home Lab

April 2020 - Present

I manage a series of servers that have been set up in my home. These servers are managed by a clustered hypervisor, to allow for multiple virtual machines. Currently, my home lab consists of 23 Ubuntu servers and a NAS. Two of these servers are for my high-availability network-wide ad-blocker/DNS. I also self-host my own cloud storage, with encrypted off-site backups, that have been proven and tested. The other servers host dedicated game servers, and Docker containers for various tasks like media management and backups, this very website, self-hosted MySQL databases, Plex Media Server, and two highly available Kubernetes clusters to handle my Continous Integration and Continuous Deployment for various applications including this website. If you would like to learn more about it, visit my guides website.

Discord Bot

June 2021

To start learning Python for my job, I began creating a Discord community bot. The bot is capable of basic functions like calling !happy-birthday, but it also has a function I am quite proud of. My friend and I have very large game collections, and both share a lot of overlapping games, but often struggle to pick games that we want to play together. So I made the bot scraped both of our Steam profiles to see which games we both have, compare the two lists and then pick one at random for us to play.

This was an excellent way to introduce myself to the Python syntax and get more comfortable with how things work within that language. Python has very quickly become one of my favorite programming languages for it's versatility.

Capstone Project - Digital Media & IT

Jan 2019 — Apr 2019

I was part of a team that created a time and collaboration organizer for the Workers Compensation Board of Alberta. My responsibilities included creating the coding standards for our project, creating the sequence diagrams, adding to our status reports, creating use case narratives, assessing the risks of the project, determining the actors that would be using our system, creating prototype wire diagrams, designing the user interface, and implementing the code for some of our use cases from front-end to back-end.